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Wheelchair Swing

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Wheelchair Swing

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Miniaturka Wheelchair Swing (2)Miniaturka Wheelchair Swing (3)Miniaturka Wheelchair Swing (4)

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Wheelchair Swing
50028 | Atlantis
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  • LineaAtlantis
  • Larghezza189 cm
  • Lunghezza287 cm
  • L'altezza266 cm
  • Altezza di caduta libera113 cm
  • La zona di sicurezza255x700 cm
  • Le superfici sicureObbligatorio
Chiedi del prodotto
  • Pianta isometrica - fotografie
  • Vista frontale
  • Vista dall'alto
  • Installation manual video
  • 2D files 50028 2D.dwg
  • 3D files 50028 3D.dwg

Requirements and recommendations concerning the usage of the 50028 Wheelchair Swing. 

Wheelchair swing must be always used under surveillance and it is intended for wheelchair users only. If the wheelchair swing is installed in the public places, such as parks and public squares, it must be equipped with the additional safeguards to prevent an unauthorized use. Locking devices and swing blockade and/or fence with lockable gate are recommended. 

We recommend placing a regulation board in a visible place near the device. The text on the regulation board should be as follows: 

Wheelchair swing - instructions for use:

  • - Wheelchair Swing is dedicated exclusively for a wheelchair user.
  • - The swing must be only used by ONE person at a time.
  • - When the device is used, no other persons are allowed in the direct surrounding (especially in the safety zone of the swing).
  • - Wheelchair Swing must be used only under surveillance.